Corporate Core Value

Committed to innovation, product quality and customer satisfaction in order to contribute optimally to consumers and the environment.


To be a company that can meet the needs of spice drinks with quality, quality and safe products for consumption.


  1. Using modern machinery in the manufacturing process
  2. To be a supplier of high-quality spice drinks 
  3. To empower spice farmers and other farmers in Indonesia 
  4. Maintain, maintain, and synergize with the surrounding environment.

Contact Us

Local Marketing Distribution

Sales through Resellers: PT. Odah Bakau Indah produces powdered red ginger at the request of a Reseller to sell to its customers

Direct Selling

PT. Odah Bakau Indah produces and directly markets powdered red ginger and ready to drink to customers who love spice drinks, both using online and offline media.

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